

David Freeman David Freeman

How do you start an API Program?

How you can get started with building your API program. We outline the few key ingredients for ensuring a successful start to your API program.

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David Freeman David Freeman

TLS Certificate Management

Using DigiCert’s API, we built a TLS Certificate Management application (an API and a UI) for users to self-manage their client-side TLS certificates.

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David Freeman David Freeman

Choosing the right API platform

To help you narrow down the choices we’ll have a look at how the current top-rated Gartner Magic Quadrant API Lifecycle Management Platforms stack-up; Google (Apigee), Axway, IBM, Kong, Microsoft, Mulesoft and Software AG.

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David Freeman David Freeman

Our Review: Apigee Hybrid on Azure

We recently took Apigee’s new Hybrid solution for a test drive on Microsoft Azure, and in this review, we give you a rundown and what we found on the journey and what to expect from running Apigee Hybrid.

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